Baby Bibs

The bibs I’ve been stitching are working right up. I did misplace the yellow floss so I had to look up the conversion from Bucilla to DMC floss and now I’m ready to stitch again.

The design I chose had lots of satin stitches that are tiny little letters of the alphabet and the words: “G is for giraffe”  and “R  is for Rabbit .” The letters are so little that after some trials, I decided to just use back-stitching and outline the letters. It looks better with just the outlines and it’s way easier to do. I have a bit of ripping out to do on the first attempts.

Does anyone know what to do with the wrong side of the bibs? The backside of stitches is pretty ugly and the stitches may come out after lots of washes. Can I use some kind of lining or even a fusible web for the back? Any ideas would be great!

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