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Linda Gillum, award-winning designer, executive vice president, and fine artist, is an enormously diverse designer whose talent is expressed in all needlework disciplines. She is well-known for her coordinated baby ensembles, teddy bears, and her wonderfully realistic animals. Linda's artistic background is in watercolors, oil paintings, and pastel drawings. She has a degree in business from St. Mary's College in Moraga, California and a degree in art from the College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California. Linda's love of animals is expressed in her painting of dogs and dogs with the owners. A few of these are shown here.

Click here to see Linda's designs.
Swish and His Painting
Swish and His Painting
Mom, Jack and Jill
Mom, Jack and Jill
Lou and Heidi
Lou and Heidi
Remembering Beau
Remembering Beau